
Templates are used to create single pages for nodes in a collection. Nodes need a corresponding page in order to be presented on its own URL.

Setup templates

The example below shows you how to setup route and template for a collection named Post. A component located at src/templates/{Collection}.vue will be used as template if no component is specified.

// gridsome.config.js
module.exports = {
  templates: {
    Post: '/blog/:year/:month/:title',

Specify a custom component path:

// gridsome.config.js
module.exports = {
  templates: {
    Post: [
        path: '/blog/:year/:month/:title',
        component: './src/other/location/Post.vue'

Setup multiple templates for a collection:

// gridsome.config.js
module.exports = {
  templates: {
    Product: [
        path: '/product/:slug',
        component: './src/templates/Product.vue'
        name: 'reviews',
        path: '/product/:slug/reviews',
        component: './src/templates/ProductReviews.vue'

Template paths are available in the GraphQL schema with a path field. Use a to argument for getting paths to additional templates for a collection.

query ($id: ID!) {
  product(id: $id) {
    path               # path to the default template
    path(to:"reviews") # path to the reviews template

Available template options are:

  • path - Define a dynamic route and use any node field as parameters.
  • component - Specify a component to use as template for each page.
  • name - Specify a name for the template to get the path in GraphQL.

Path parameters are slugified by default, but the original value can be used by adding a _raw suffix, eg. :title_raw. Access values in deep objects or arrays by separating properties or indexes with double underscores (__). The date field has a set of shorthand helpers; :year, :month and :day.

  • :id resolves to node.id
  • :value resolves to node.value(slugified value)
  • :value_raw resolves to node.value(original value)
  • :object__value resolves to node.object.value
  • :array__3__id resolves to node.array[3].id

Each node will get a path field in the GraphQL schema which contains the generated URL.

Add data to a template

Pages generated from the templates configuration will have the node id available as a query variable in the page-query block. Use the $id variable to get the node for the current page:

  	<h1 v-html="$page.post.title" />
  	<div v-html="$page.post.content" />

query ($id: ID!) {
  post(id: $id) {

Other node fields are also available as query variables. Access values in deep objects or arrays by separating properties or indexes with double underscores (__).

  • $id resolves to node.id
  • $value resolves to node.value
  • $object__value resolves to node.object.value
  • $array__3__id resolves to node.array[3].id

Node fields as meta info

The metaInfo option must be a function in order to access the query results:

export default {
  metaInfo() {
    return {
      title: this.$page.post.title

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