
Pages are responsible for presenting your data at a URL. Each page will be generated statically and have its own index.html file with the markup.

You have two options for creating pages in Gridsome:

  1. Using the file system - For creating pages with Single File Components
  2. Using the Pages API - For creating pages programmatically.

File-based pages

Single File Components in the src/pages directory will automatically be available with their own URLs. The file location is used to generate the URL and here are a few basic examples:

  • src/pages/Index.vue becomes /(The frontpage)
  • src/pages/AboutUs.vue becomes /about-us
  • src/pages/about/Vision.vue becomes /about/vision
  • src/pages/blog/Index.vue becomes /blog

A simple page component might look like this:

    <h1>Hello, world!</h1>

Pages in src/pages are typically used for fixed URLs like /about or for listing blog posts at, for example /blog. Read more about how to create pages for single blog posts etc.

Programmatic pages

Pages can be created programmatically by using the createPages hook in gridsome.server.js. This is useful if you want to manually create pages from an external API without using GraphQL data layer.

module.exports = function (api) {
  api.createPages(({ createPage }) => {
      path: '/my-page',
      component: './src/templates/MyPage.vue'

Read more about the Pages API

Dynamic routing

Pages can have dynamic routes. Dynamic routes are useful for pages that only need client-side routing. For example user pages that fetch info from an external API in production based on a segment in the URL.

Learn more about dynamic routing

Page meta info

Gridsome uses vue-meta for handling meta info about the page.

    <h1>Hello, world!</h1>

export default {
  metaInfo: {
    title: 'Hello, world!',
    meta: [
      { name: 'author', content: 'John Doe' }

Learn more about populating <head>.

Custom 404 page

Create a src/pages/404.vue component to have a custom 404 page.

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