Version 0.7 is finally here! Enjoy Vue Components in Markdown, new Schema API, File-based dynamic routing, better Template config, Custom App.vue, Shareable Network URL and more!

Vue Remark plugin

With Gridsome 0.7 follows a new plugin called @gridsome/vue-remark. It lets you add Vue Components to Markdown files. This is perfect for Documentation, Design Systems, or portfolio websites. It's an Vue / Gridsome alternative to MDX.

Here is a quick overview of how it works:

1) Install the plugin and add configs:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      use: '@gridsome/vue-remark',
      options: {
        typeName: 'Documentation', // Required
        baseDir: './content/docs', // Where .md files are located
        pathPrefix: '/docs', // Add route prefix. Optional
        template: './src/templates/Documentation.vue' // Optional

In this example /content/docs/ will be, and /content/docs/ will be

By default it takes any .md files in baseDir folder and uses them for file-based routing like Pages works. You can override this by using a route config.

2) Setup a template and include the <VueRemarkContent /> component:

    <h1>{{ $page.documentation.title }}</h1>
    <p class="intro">{{ $page.documentation.excerpt }}</p>
    <VueRemarkContent />

<!-- Front-matter fields can be queried from GraphQL layer -->
query ($id: ID!) {
  documentation(id: $id) {

3) Import and use Vue components in Markdown:

title: A cool title
excerpt: Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.
// Import any Vue Component. Even other .md files!
import YouTube from '~/components/YouTube.vue'
import AboutUs from '~/sections/'

// Import any JSON if you need data.
import data from '~/data/youtube.json'

// Use front-matter fields anywhere.
# {{ $frontmatter.title }}
> {{ $frontmatter.excerpt }}

// Use your imported Vue Components.
<YouTube :id="" />
<AboutUs />

Isn't it great? 🥳

You can use <page-query> & <style> blocks inside the Markdown files too!

Learn more about @gridsome/vue-remark

New Schema API

Gridsome generates the GraphQL schema for metadata and collections based on the data which is discovered on startup. That's great for simple projects but will often lead to errors with, for example missing fields because content has been removed in an external source. This API lets you define your own schema types to have persisted fields.

api.loadSource(({ addSchemaTypes }) => {
    type Post implements Node {
      title: String

🙌 This will fix problems for data sources where the data fields can change.

For example, (A Headless CMS) has created a source plugin (gridsome-source-sanity) that uses the Schema API to make sure Gridsome know what fields that are being used in

Read more about the Schema API

New template configuration

Previously, each collection has been given a route in order to assign it to a template with the same name inside the src/templates directory. Routes were spread across many plugin options and some also hidden within plugins. The new templates config tries to collect all collection routes in a single property in gridsome.config.js.

This gives better overview of all template routes, and you can also have multiple templates and routes for one collection. For example /product/:slug + /product/:slug/reviews.

To create a route for a collection you simply add CollectionName: '/any/route/:title' to the new templates config. A Vue component in src/templates with the same name as the collection will be used as template by default. Here are some examples:

// gridsome.config.js
module.exports = {
  templates: {
  	// These will look for and use src/templates/{name}.vue
    Post: '/blog/:year/:month/:slug',
    Author: '/author/:name',

    // Templates for source plugins must also be configured here
    WordPressPost: '/blog/:year/:month/:day/:slug',
    WordPressTag: '/tag/:slug',

    // Collections can have multiple templates
    Product: [
        path: '/product/:slug',
        component: './src/templates/Product.vue'
        path: '/product/:slug/reviews',
        component: './src/templates/ProductReviews.vue'

This means:

Read more about the new templates configuration

Dynamic routing

Dynamic routing is perfect to use if you need routes for, for example, user accounts or need to fetch data from an external source on client-side. (Data that will not be generated).

File-based dynamic routes

Dynamic pages are used for client-side routing. Route parameters can be placed in file and directory names by wrapping the name in square brackets. For example:

  • src/pages/user/[id].vue becomes /user/:id.
  • src/pages/user/[id]/settings.vue becomes /user/:id/settings.

At build time, this will generate user/_id.html and user/_id/settings.html and you must have rewrite rules to make them work properly on a static web host.

Programmatic dynamic routes

Create pages with dynamic routes programmatically for more advanced paths. Dynamic parameters are specified by having a : in front of a segment. And each parameter can have a custom regular expression to match only digits or certain values.

module.exports = function (api) {
  api.createPages(({ createPage }) => {
      path: '/user/:id(\\d+)',
      component: './src/templates/User.vue'

Learn more about Dynamic Routing

Custom App.vue

App.vue is the file that wraps your whole website or app. Gridsome usually adds a App.vue automatic in the background. This can now be overridden by having your own App.vue file in your src directory. Overriding App.vue is useful if you want to have a layout that is shared across all your pages. Or if you want to have a <transition> component around the <router-view>.

Here is an example:

<!-- src/App.vue -->
      <router-view />

import MainLayout from '~/layouts/Main.vue'

export default {
  components: {

Learn more about overriding App.vue

Deprecation notices

Deprecated methods and options will now be listed in the terminal with path to location and sometimes with an URL to documentation.

Deprecated Messages

Shareable Network URL

A network URL will now be visible in the terminal. It can be used to test the site on other devices in the same network with hot-reloading etc. This URL will only be active when using the default host, which is, on private networks.

Shareable url

Breaking changes

  • The fields property for nodes will not be moved to root automatically anymore. Add custom node fields as root properties instead. Read more

Other changes

Trailing slashes for pages and routes

Routes for pages in ./src/pages and all templates will include a trailing slash by default. This can be disabled with the permalinks config.

You should have a trailing slash in every static <g-link> path if you are hosting the site on Netlify or ZEIT Now etc. to avoid redirects. For example:

<g-link to="/about-us/">About us</g-link>

Renamed methods and GraphQL fields

There are some methods and GraphQL fields that have been renamed. Using the old names will not break your site, but will show deprecation notices in the terminal:

  • Use addMetadata() instead of addMetaData().
  • Use addCollection() instead of addContentType().
  • Use metadata instead of metaData in the GraphQL schema and project config.

Deprecated collection methods

The new Schema API is deprecating previous methods for customizing the schema:

  • Use addSchemaResolvers() instead of collection.addSchemaField().
  • addSchemaTypes() can be instead of collection.addReference(). It's not deprecated yet, but it will be once we find an easier way to define relations.

New type for the $id variable

The $id variable in <page-query> for nodes has previously been a String type. Even though the id field in the schema was of type ID. But the $id input variable must also be a ID type from now on. Gridsome will fix the type for you automatically and show a deprecation notice untill you have updated the query.

🙌 You will probably get many deprecated messages on your current Gridsome project, but we think these changes are a right direction as we're getting close to a 1.0 version.

How to upgrade

Take a look here on how to upgrade →.

See full changelog →